Wednesday, February 01, 2006

To begin

I work with companies in Ukraine right now as a consultant. Ukraine is an interesting country to work in as a business consultant because they have not had all that much of a history of business, at least as we would know it. The business of Ukraine for many years--and this was true even before the Soviet Union-- was government and that isn't really much of a business. The result of that has been that many in government here have businesses and the richest have been government officials or those who have been tied in with government officials. Not good and the effects of this last to this day--corruption hangs around like malaria. It can be worked around, and we do it. But it really affects the lives of the Ukrainian people.

But that isn't the reason for blogging here. I have other places to go to discuss these issues. The real reason for blogging here is that I have found in dealing with businesses here that though they have some unique problems, by and large, the issues and problems are the same businesses face anywhere else. And they make the same mistakes too.

I wanted some place to talk about all of this. This is it.


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